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EFT Case Story: A Beautiful Cleft Lip Victim

EFT Case Story: A Beautiful Cleft Lip Victim

Isaac Lim, a complementary therapist is registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Health-TCM and member of Malaysian Society for Complementary Medicine (MSCM) and of the Malaysian Psychology Association, shares this excellent EFT story about a young lady who had surgery and speech therapy so she "looked and sounded beautiful from the outside" but on the inside, still felt ashamed and disfigured. EFT helped her feel beautiful inside and out.

EFT Case Story - 'A Beautiful Cleft Lip Victim'

by Isaac Lim, Malaysia

Jennifer came to me because of multiple emotional issues related to her childhood cleft lip. She is now a married woman with a beautiful family but her childhood issues continue to haunt her. When I first met her I had no inkling that she was a cleft victim as she was beautiful and extraordinary well groom. She was however tense and I could sense her discomfort and anxiety in her shallow breathing. Jennifer frankly said she was uncertain how I could help her as her issues had been longstanding and she had tried counseling and other therapies to help her with limited success.

I explain to her how EFT works from a different level from those as it is base on the understanding that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in our body energy system. Instead of changing her thoughts to change how she feels we instead change her energy to change how she feels and think. I told her to trust the process as she has nothing to lose. She agreed with me that she has nothing to lose and everything to gain if I am able to help her.

She explained tearfully that she is actually a cleft lip victim. She had several surgeries that had help her to look almost normal and taken speech therapy that helped her to pronounce clearly. She had since then been hiding her shameful past from others and even from her own husband and children. Seeing that this subject distress her I told her that the reason she is feeling so distressed is because her energy system is under tremendous stress and has become disrupted. I asked her to do the Energy EFT stress relaxation protocol with me.

After three rounds her distress was gone, her face was more relax and voice calmer. I asked her why she felt afraid to tell her family. She replied that they will look down on her and she felt ashamed. We begin to tap on these words, 'Even though I feel ashamed...' After a few rounds she no longer felt ashamed. I asked her to imagine revealing her past to her family and note how she felt in her body. She said she felt strangely confident. We proceed to tap this time on feeling 'confident' to further increase her feelings of confidence. She was soon so full of confidence she said she feels like she can run home and tell them about her cleft immediately.

I explain to her that while surgery and voice training had removed the physical disfigurement and made her look and sound beautiful it had not removed the emotional disfigurement in her heart that made her feel ugly and ashamed. EFT had help remove these negative emotions.

A few weeks later she was able to confess to her family that she was a cleft victim without even a tear drop. In the months ahead with more EFT therapy she was able to talk about her issue openly to others without shame and distress. She even attended and gave her testimony in one of our EFT Community Gathering without any apparent sign of anxiety. She also showed more confidence and poise. She is now truly beautiful inside and out.

by Isaac Lim
EFT Level 3/Adv/NLP/Hypno/Somatic/Medical Qigong
Energy Psychology Centre
Selangor, Malaysia

Isaac Lim Ben Hup EFT Master Practitioner Malaysia
Isaac Lim was the administrator of Gracevilla Retirement Centre for the past 20 years. His role entails liaising with doctors, psychiatrists, and physiotherapists in the management of the geriatric care of the elderly residents in the center. He had during the course of his work and personal health realised that there is a need for more holistic healthcare to complement existing western practices that heavily relied on medication. He has since pursued this conviction and has founded the Energy Psychology Centre to promote EFT in Malaysia.

Isaac Lim as a complementary therapist is registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Health-TCM. He is a member of the Association of Hypnotherapists Practitioner Malaysia and was a member of Malaysian Psychology Association.

He is certified under the American Board of NLP practitioners. He is also certified as EFT–ADV (Advance) by EFT Master Patricia Carrington and Level 3 under EFT Master Peter Graham in Australia. Presently Isaac Lim conducts GoE certification courses as a certified GoE trainer.

He has also attended Dr.Maggie Phillips (US) workshops on Somatic and Energy Therapy and later on Healing Pain and Trauma

He also received training in hypnotherapy under Dr.George Bien and is certified as a WMQ Medical Qigong practitioner in medical healing a member of the Qigong Therapist Association and as a NOSS certified instructor in Qigong wellness exercise.

Isaac Lim conducts therapies at his therapy office in his retirement facility for both internal and external clients. But presently does online sessions only due to the pandemic. As an EFT therapist he works at an emphatic level with a real-time diagnosis of the client's energy blockage and clears it gently and quickly. This allows him to even help those who have dissociated themselves from their true feelings and memories. He specialized in prevention and healing anxiety disorder as about 30% of the population have at one time in their lives become a victim. He has clients from all walks of life including international clients.

Isaac Lim also conducts EFT therapies on skype even with clients in New Zealand, America, Germany, and others.

To contact Isaac Lim please visit

MODERN Energy Tapping Replaces Energy EFT

Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,




Modern Energy Tapping Book By Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness

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