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EFT Evil CD PatternWe acquire ereas or thoughtfields into our energy body over the course of our lifetimes which are not our own but were simply put there by someone or something else. These specific, non-self originated ereas have the codename of "evil CDs" - in reference to the metaphor of someone coming along and pushing one of their CDs into your internal stereo against your will, wishes, desires and often even entirely without your knowledge.
Added Mar 2, 2003
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The EFT Evil CD PatternThis is a breakthrough pattern from EMO which, once again, can easily be reverse engineered to bring relief to problems for all who know the simple classic EFT protocol. Very simply put, we acquire ereas or thoughtfields into our energy body over the course of our lifetimes which are not our own but were simply put there by someone or something else. These specific, non-self originated ereas have the codename of "evil CDs" - in reference to the metaphor of someone coming along and pushing one of their CDs into your internal stereo against your will, wishes, desires and often even entirely without your knowledge. Unfortunately, what happens when a foreign erea is "inserted" into the energy body, is that it then structurally becomes a part of the energy body. As such, all the protection devices for survival the energy body has are now also extended to the foreign erea and a person starts to think of this erea now being theirs. For example, someone might shout at a child, "You are useless." The "evil CD" thus generated enters the child's energy body and gets stuck there because children do not yet have the channels to handle this kind of energy. When the evil CD plays again and says, "You are useless" as was recorded indelibly upon it, because it plays now on the inside, the child will think, "I am useless". When someone tries to get rid of the evil CD by, for example saying, "No you are not useless, let go of that thought," the protective devices which lovingly protects everything and fiercely, to the very bitter end, that is of that child, will defend the cuckoo in the nest just as much as it would defend itself if someone threatened to cut off an arm, or gouge out an eye. In the meantime, the child grows up, still believing that they themselves believe they are useless, and they will of course wonder why and try and make sense of this. They will collect evidence to have it be right, behave within the parameters to make what the evil CD is playing and which they mistakenly believe to be their song logical and understandable. They might even enter therapy to explore just how it was they came to that conclusion and formed this kind of negative self construct which grew around the evil CD as the callus forms around an injury. Now, unfortunately there is a misconception in personal development about "taking responsibility for all you are" - and this is a true tragedy in the case of the evil CDs. This is like being stopped by the police and a kilo of cocaine is found in the trunk of your car but you never put it there yourself. Putting your hand up in a court of law and accepting responsibility for the presence of the cocaine will not lead to becoming a better person, only to a very long prison sentence that is entirely undeserved, entirely unfair, entirely unjust and - totally pointless! The simple fact is that there is NO responsibility at all on the part of the child who was told that they were useless. That evil CD is not theirs, it never was and no responsibility for having it there can or should ever be taken. There is only one single response to evil CDs and that is to reject them totally and absolutely, in every way. When this is done, it gives the command to energetically expel the evil CD from the person's energy system and, once outside, can simply be destroyed in any way possible or let go of in any way you want to because it is no longer protected by the energy body's defences of self.
How To Tell An Evil CDInterestingly, this is extremely simple. The totality is absolutely loving and absolutely protective of itself, and that is mind, body, spirit, energy system and whatever else there may be to the "totality that is one single human being". There never is and there never was any kind of self sabotage, neither in the physicality nor anywhere else, and any kind of "self destructive" activity is simply due to the confusion of what is self, and what is not. People make this a great deal worse because they desperately and automatically try to make a logic and a sense out of their thoughts, behaviours and problems in the context of their environments. In order to explain just why they would think themselves useless, they will come up with all kinds of rationalisations, explanations, theories, ideas - right down to, "It's my karmic path and God's will that I should be useless in this lifetime." All of that strengthens the internal bonds with the evil CD and makes it seem more and more as though it really was of the very fabric of self - and the more it becomes of the fabric of self (or self concept, self construct, if you will) the more it will be defended and the less it will respond to therapy, healing or any other approach designed to get rid of it. To make it very simple, anything at all that is not absolutely and passionately loving, absolutely and passionately generative, and absolutely and passionately supportive to your totality is an evil CD and could be nothing else. You would never say to someone you truly loved and wanted to have the longest, most fulfilled and happiest life possible, "You are useless!", would you? Of course not. And neither would your totality. It would not berate you, frighten you, bring you down, undermine you at all, not now, not ever, not in its wildest dreams. Now, we have to tell our energy systems and our totality to revoke the protection of the evil CDs and absolutely reject them from our systems, and using EFT we do this with the following opening statement: I absolutely reject the idea that I am useless and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. Other variants are: I was never useless and I will never be useless and I deeply ... There nothing about me that was ever useless and I deeply ... ... or any words that would come spontaneously to you in response to understanding that none of those things in your self construct that were so blatantly cruel, limiting and unloving could EVER have come from your loving totality.
Aspects & Ancient Support StructuresWhen you start to treat evil CDs with absolute rejection, their related aspects and of course, the support structures your system has built around them for all these years, will come to the fore. For example, the person who was told they were useless might think, "But if I thought I wasn't useless anymore, then I would have to do a lot of hard work all of a sudden. I better not reject the uselessness outright because it might save me from things, protect me from things." That is absolute nonsense and of course, could only be thought by someone who thought they were useless - incapable of facing all challenges that could come their way from a centre of strength, safe and supported by their totality in all ways. These kinds of thoughts that the evil CDs which make up our appalling self constructs and strangle all joy from our lives are somehow good, valuable or needed are nothing but ancient support structures to make the constant sore that is an evil CD liveable with at all in the first place. These thoughts are the calluses which form around a pressure point to prevent further damage and they need to be removed and rejected, dismantled and abolished just as cleanly and powerfully as the evil CDs themselves. Interestingly, these aspects and ancient support structures fall away and into silence one by one if you simply keep on rejecting the original evil CD - I am not and I was never useless and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
TheEvil CD Protocol - ConclusionI have written many protocols over the years and I have had many, many breakthrough insights on how things work, but I must say that as simple as this is, this is one of my favourite protocols of all time. What we all need as human beings is really, just one single person to be absolutely on our side, to really love us, help us, protect us, inspire us, applaud us when we have succeeded in something, no matter how insignificant it may seem to an outsider, someone who will encourage us to strive towards the best we can possibly be, cheer us on; someone who cannot ever be tempted away by youth, beauty, money, bribes and will always choose us, every day, each moment afresh; someone to stand by us when everything falls apart, love us no matter what; someone who will never let us down, never give up on us, never leave us and who will always, always be fiercely and actively loving of us in every way, every day, until we take our last breath in physicality. Well, that person is here. It is you. And now, finally, we can start on the road to be that person we always knew we should have been - with a little help from our self, our endlessly loving totality. The EFT Evil CD Protocol Excerpt from The Advanced Patterns Of EFT by Silvia Hartmann
Added Mar 2, 2003
| 7,682 Reads
Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,
Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness Do you love Energy EFT? Do you love ENERGY? Then join the GoE - the world's first organisation for MODERN energists! Get access to the GoE Members group, receive our fabulous magazine The Energist and much more. |