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EFT & Money

EFT & Money

EFT & Money - tips from Dr Hartmann on how to use EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques to remove blocks to earning more money, and having more money in your life.

EFT & Money

In the context of success coaching, I have been struck over and over again by the sheer contortions about money that exist in virtually everybody's mind - and energy system.

As I have no experience with clients complaining of having too much money and suffering from sleepless nights because they simply don't know how to spend it all, I think we'll just go right ahead and look at some strategies on how to overcome money problems with EFT.

As "money" is such a deeply convoluted subject with aspects arising all over the place, a nice idea is to go back to basics. Especially if there are serious money problems, it can be most helpful to start by treating money like you would treat a spider phobia.

Find (or borrow) a banknote of a reasonably large denomination and simply place it in front of you on a desk or table. What springs to mind? What emotions do you feel when you look at it? When I've tested this procedure with people, it was most interesting to note what a variety of negative responses occurred. From, "I don't believe this is mine", via "I don't deserve to have this", to "There's no point getting attached to it, someone will just come and take it away anyhow" - a whole range of depressing, unhappy, and generally truly negative responses were present when you simply confronted an every day adult with a bank note.

This became even more pronounced when I picked up the note, held it out to the person and said loudly, "Here you go, (name), this is for you." Not a single one of my "success coaching" clients could take the money without feeling seriously bad for a whole range of complicated reasons!

The format was just to keep tapping and testing each time by bringing out the bank note again until there was no negative response left and the person took the note happily, readily, and even with a smile in some cases.

If you are intending to do some "money work" by yourself or with friends, use the following as "triggers" (like the spider would be to the spider phobic) to find the aspects of the problem:

...single bank notes of various denominations
...a pile of banknotes (boy that is a set of interesting aspects!)
...a single large coin (this brings out childhood memories)
...a pile of coins (this brings out childhood memories relating to savings)

Then, we can go on to clear other money related aspects by using some of the following in the same, straightforward way (which is always: trigger, test, tap, trigger, test): statements (serial spending and saving habits :-)
...payslips/wage packets (apart from career issues, this brings out family/father issues from childhood) cards (imagine me laughing here - talk about negative emotions coming to the fore!) card statements (which have different aspects to the actual plastic card)
...building society books, share certificates, or any other paper representation of money that features large in the individual person's life
...bills and invoices (and especially the red variety :-)

Financial limits are wonderfully explored by using a friend and both their chequebook and yours. Write each other cheques for ever increasing sums of money and hand them to each other. This can bring out not only the pain of accepting large sums of money, but conversely also the pain of letting go! "Money constipation" is just as damaging to a healthy financial system as is "money diarrhoea" (where you don't earn but keep on spending regardless), "money anorexia" (where you neither earn nor spend) or "money bulimia" (where you earn but spend immediately so there's no noticeable gain at the end of the day).

Lastly (and this is a personal favourite of mine) we have what I call "potential money" such as lottery tickets, gambling slips and scratch cards. Entwined in these you will find issues around luck, deservability, and, most interesting of all, often a belief that "this is the ONLY HOPE I could possibly have to ever become really rich".*

*A note: Tapping away negative feelings on lottery tickets does not turn someone into a compulsive gambler. On the contrary. It can actually help with compulsive gambling to dis-engage emotion from the trigger the lottery tickets (as well as game shows, horse races and so on) represent.

You might think as you read this, "That's a lot of tapping!", but don't fret. It only seems that way because I have made a list of relevant "money triggers" that in reality covered a whole lot of real people and all their combined problems.

Generally, only some of the triggers reveal the driving forces to a person's overall money problems, and when they have been dealt with, it's not necessary to do all the other ones. I have mentioned them all so that you could work your way through them over a period of, say, a week. I promise you, it would truly change your relationship with "money" for the better.

Silvia Hartmann

MODERN Energy Tapping Replaces Energy EFT

Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,




Modern Energy Tapping Book By Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness

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