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The Original MET Prac EFT Training

The Original MET Prac EFT Training

Since 1999, the GoE EFT trainings certification programs have been instrumental in bringing top quality EFT + professional training to holistic therapists, psychologists, health workers and other interested parties from around the world.

If you are looking for a solid EFT training program based on Classic EFT with all the tools, techniques, patterns and approaches needed to conduct EFT sessions with clients, The GoE's Practitioner Of Meridian Energy Therapies Certification Program is the first choice to gain a qualification that is internationally recognised and represents a lasting investment for the EFT practitioner, advanced EFT practitioner, and EFT MET Trainer.

EFT Trainings @ theamt

The MET EFT + Trainings

A Brief History of the EFT + Training Program

In 1999, Silvia Hartmann called together the original innovators in energy psychology and meridian and energy therapies (MET) to create an extraordinary training program that would capture not just the theory and practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques and the other meridian and energy based psychology and therapy approaches, but that would preserve THE SPIRIT OF EFT in as pure a fashion as possible.

At the time, there were many people engaged in what was called "taking EFT, sticking a tail on it and calling it a weasel".

There were constantly changing so called "new and improved" protocols, all sorts of complications put into EFT that were hindrances rather than any kind of help, and which DILUTED the power of the Classic EFT protocol often to the point of rendering what was left, essentially ineffective.

Dr Hartman wanted to preserve the integrity of the original, classic EFT protocol because it was this which had taken the world by storm, and had proven its worth and value under so many different circumstances, and create a training program around this Classic EFT protocol that would stand the test of time and remain true to the practice and the spirit of EFT.

EFT is by no means the one and only form of energy psychology or meridian energy therapy; but it was always viewed as the EMBASSADOR for all energy psychology, because of the ease of use, and the immense flexibility of the Classic Protocol in the hands of a practiced practitioner.

A training was designed in co-operation between Dr Willem Lammers, Peter Delves, Ananga Sivyer, Christine Sutherland, Dr Silvia Hartmann, Chrissie Hardisty, Susan Courtney, Gary Craig, Tapas Fleming and Larry Nims that took the classic EFT protocol as the entry into energy psychology itself, which represents a totally new paradigm, and demands from the practitioner to think not in the old psychology way, but to understand how to work with the human energy system to bring about DIRECT, FAST, AND RELIABLE changes in the presenting problems.

This is the GoE certification training which begins with a thorough grounding in EFT and includes many protocols designed to help a practitioner of EFT have many flexible approaches, special patterns and techniques to make progress even with serious problems.

Covering in-depth the path from teaching EFT to a client for self help, dealing with blocks and energy reversals, and going on to provide many EFT fail safe procedures and techniques, as well as giving session progressions for common problems such as addictions and trauma treatments, this outstanding training was the first professional EFT training in the world.

In 2001, the training program was extended to the Advanced Practitioner training, which includes hands on training in very advanced EFT applications and other METs and in 2003, the correspondence course EFT + training version was created by demand from the many people around the world who could not travel to the live trainings in Europe and the US.

EFT Training Contents

The MET EFT+ training program includes the following modules which are taught of 2 days, with an additional day up front to teach basic EFT at the trainer's disgression:

Training Contents - Practitioner Of Meridian Therapies

Module 1

Welcome To Extraordinary Healing

  • Course Overview

  • A Brief History Of Meridian Therapies

  • Ambassador EFT

  • Therapeutic Applications

  • Teaching EFT

  • Circuit Work

Module 5

Health & Physiological Symptoms

  • Safety Procedures

  • Medical Protocol

  • Pain Protocol

  • Emotional Components In Physical Manifestation

  • Primary Gain & Secondary Gain

  • Chronic Pain

Module 2
Contacting The Problem

  • Statement Formulation

  • Global, Specific, Historic

  • Calibration Skills

  • Physiological Changes

  • Auditory Calibration

  • Telephone Consultations

  • Contacting The Problem Without Words

Module 6

Addictions & Addictive Cravings

  • General Addictions Protocol

  • The Anxiety Stopper

  • Pre-addiction Release Conditions

  • Addictive Cravings Protocol

  • Homework

  • Ecology, Future Pacing

  • Use Of Algorithms

Module 3

Aspects & Testing

  • The Concept Of Aspects

  • Simultaneous & Sequential Aspects

  • Switching Aspects

  • SUD & VOC; IE Scales

  • Testing

  • Imaginary Tests, Real Life Tests, Safe Tests

  • Treatment & Testing In Context

Module 7

Flexible Approaches

  • Client Centred Interventions

  • Add On Techniques, Other Points

  • Advanced Techniques

  • Muscle Testing

  • Psychological Reversal

  • Creating Personalised Algorithms

  • Short Cuts

  • Fail Safes

Module 4

Working With Memories

  • Safely Releasing Memories

  • Dealing With Objections & Client Resistance

  • Pin Point Work

  • Phobia Protocol

  • The Story Release

  • Sequential/Simultaneous Aspect Clearance

  • Preventing & Treating Abreactions

  • Disassociation & Client Safety

Module 8

Tools For Therapists

  • Therapist's Maintenance

  • Beliefs Protocol

  • Personal Development Applications

  • Transference & Projection

  • Structuring Treatment Sessions

  • Intake Forms

  • Homework Protocols

  • Presenting Introduction Workshops

Exam & Certification

Each topic in each module is supported by practical exercises so that this training in EFT + MET is not just about knowing, but very much about doing it right, so the participants gain the all important confidence in themselves and the techniques, especially EFT emotional freedom techniques, to help their clients elegantly and beautifully.


Solid, Traditional Training In EFT

EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques by Gary Craig became so famous and gained so much attention because the Classic Protocol WORKED to create change.

As a person gains in experience and time passes, of course it is natural to start changing the Classic EFT protocol in various ways to suit the individual preferences.

This leads to a plethora of slightly different EFT protocols quite naturally.

However, it was the Classic Protocol that won over the world, and it has always been the GOE's assertion that if the Classic Protocol is learned correctly, a practitioner of EFT will then be in the best position to make their own choices and changes AFTER they have had plenty of experience and a thorough grounding with the original Classic EFT protocol.

This approach sets the GOE's EFT trainings apart from others who chop and change with fashions of the time and provides a solid, firm foundation for the EFT trainings that is based exactly on the original founders and originator's breakthrough patterns and the spirit of EFT.

If you are looking for a solid, reliable training in EFT as a professional therapist, the GoE trainings have stood the test of time and are available to you today.

The GoE EFT + training program further provides a clear, simple and cost effective path from becoming a qualified practitioner, to advanced practitioner, to becoming a trainer for EFT + in your own right, being able to confidently conduct every type of EFT training program from a simple EFT introduction evening, to the full EFT + certification training and advanced training.

EFT Trainings @ theamt

The GoE has been working without a fail since its inception in 1998 to bring professional EFT based trainings at an affordable cost to students from around the world, and the EFT trainers are second to none, having gained a wealth of experience over a decade of teaching EFT + to therapists, doctors, psychologists and interested parties from every walk of life.

EFT Live Trainings | EFT Distance Learning Course | Find An EFT Trainer

MODERN Energy Tapping Replaces Energy EFT

Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,




Modern Energy Tapping Book By Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness

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