Energy EFT
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Unit 1 - Discovering EFT


  • Welcome To EFT Energy!

Give a very brief welcome and say how delighted you are that you are going to teach EFT energy work which is awesome, has helped so many people already, and it's a gift to humanity.

Briefly say that you're not teaching psychology today but instead, energy work. And everyone who works with energy is an energist!

  • Fun Icebreaker: My Name Is Susan Walker - And I'm An Energist!”

Have people turn to their neighbours (or walk around the room in small groups) and shake hands with each other, saying, “Good morning, my name is Susan Walker - and I'm an energist!”

This will quite literally break the ice (an existing energetic reality, describing the shields that exist around each participant). Take part in the exercise and shake some hands as well to break the ice between you and them and establish you're a part of the group too.

  • What Is EFT?

Go through the basic explanation quite quickly and smoothly.

  • The Ethical Promise

EFT is not a miracle cure and we can't predict in advance how a client will react. We can't promise a cure but we can promise that we will do the best we can to help the client.

  • 3 Types Of Tapping

Have the students touch a point, massage a point and tap a point to experience the differences. Make them pay attention how it feels differently.

  • Teach EFT H&S

Take the clients through the first round of EFT. Have them pay attention to the feelings in their boy as you move them slowly through the round. At the end, ask them how they feel. (Note the shift in the whole room from before to after!)

  • Stand Up & Tap

Ask them to stand up and move their bodies, take a deep breath. “We are going to tap a practice round of EFT with a first set up, and we're going to say, “Energy!” This will improve the flow of energy through our energy bodies.

  • Move & Tap

Take them through a new round of EFT. Pre-teach instructing breathing, movement to help the energy flow, and praise them for doing really well.

  • Feedback: How do you feel now?

  • Introduce the SUE Scale

“Life Beyond Zero” - Keep improving the energy flow until there is a healing event.

In your manual, slide your finger along the SUE scale - can you feel where your energy levels are as you do that? (It's ok if you don't yet, we'll keep practising!)

  • Pairs Exercise: Improve Energy Flow

- Take a SUE reading. Tap one round of EFT. Take a new SUE reading. Switch.

  • You don't have to solve it only evolve it:

If you keep improving the flow of energy, step by step, you'll get to +10 eventually and a Healing Event has to occur.


Core Skills For Unit 1 Discovering EFT:

1. You understand that you are an energist.

2. You understand how EFT works and you can explain it clearly.

3. You understand the concept of “life beyond zero” in energy work.

4. You understand the ethical promise to prospective EFT clients.



Unit 2 - Energy Body Stress

  • Stress Makes You Crazy!

Explain how everyone starts to think crazy thoughts when they get stressed and how stress talk doesn't make good EFT set ups. “It's really important to de-stress the client first or we'll never know what the real problem might be.”

  • Examples Of Stress Talk

Ask the participants to give examples of things they only think when they are highly stressed or very upset. Highlight this is only stress talk and doesn't mean they have low self esteem or that there is any truth in any of it and that energy body stress will do that to a normal person!

  • Spotting The Signs Of Stress

Do a demonstration and ask someone to tell about their problem. Take a demonstrative, lively person. Show them calm to the group first, tell them to pay attention what this client looks like, sounds like, feels like. Ask the demo person about an upsetting event, something that made them really angry, perhaps dealing with a big company recently (a safe bet!). Ask the group what signs of stress they have noticed. Make them pay attention to how the client FELT INSIDE as they were paying attention to the client. Avoid the words watch, look, observe unless you pair them up with listen and feel as well!

  • Building The Stress Free Path Into The Heart Of The Problem

Really underline to the group that keeping the client stress free is super-important. Ask them what's going to happen if an already stressed client sees a spider, or tries to remember details about their child abuse. Nothing good can come of it! Make sure you underline that we don't stop the treatment to de-stress the client, but that de-stressing the client IS THE TREATMENT. Remind them that smooth energy flow is the opposite of stress, and stress is always a sign of blocked energy flow.

  • Demonstration: How To De-Stress The Client

Demonstrate breathing, movement, positive feedback to help improve energy flow as the client taps.

  • Pairs Exercise: De-Stress The Client

  • The EFTeam

Discuss how both parties were de-stressing. Discuss how it felt to tap with the client as the client was de-stressing and energy flow was improving. Discuss the concept of the EFTeam.

  • Lunch Break Assignment: The Energy Body Stress Table

(at the end of Unit 2).

Core Skills For Unit 2 Energy Body Stress

1. You recognise the importance of treating energy body stress

2. You are able to recognise energy body stress in your client

3. You understand the EFTeam.

4. You understand the importance of breathing, movement and positive feedback.



Unit 3 - The EFT Story


  • Quick Review

EFT unblocks the energy body and improves energy flow. First we de-stress client and practitioner to get a better EFTeam, now we're ready to enquire into the problem.


  • The Well Formed Story

Ask the client, “What is the problem?” and find out if you get a well formed story that makes sense, has times and dates and has a beginning, a middle and an end in that order. If not, de-stress more! Go through the signs of stress in story.


  • Teams of three - Tell A Problem Story

For each person, decide if you need to de-stress more or if you are ready to start work on the problem.


  • Feedback - Did You Spot A Set Up?

How did you know that was a potential set up? Direct participants to the FEELING when energy disturbances are present as well as visible and audible signs.


  • The Importance Of Using The Client's Own Words.

Ex-counsellors and psychologists have to re-learn how they process. Support them.


  • The Story Protocol - Demonstration

Get someone to tell the story of their problem. Discuss with group if they need to de-stress more first. Discuss with group what set ups they saw/felt/heard. Direct group onto the FIRST disturbance to build the stress free path into the problem.


  • Pairs Exercise: Story Protocol - Spot and treat the first disturbance.


  • Discuss: Are the practitioners confident they can take this further, step by step?


  • Recommend the EFT Story protocol as an effective way to work with any problem that has a story which can be told in words.




Core Skills Unit 3 - The EFT Story

1. You understand the concept of the well formed story.

2. You understand the importance of using the client's own words.

3. You can mark out set up phrases from the client's story.

4. You understand the EFT Story Protocol.


Unit 4 - The Professional EFT Practitioner


  • Professional EFT

Take the group to the big diagram on page 87. Ask them to rate themselves on the SUE scale. Have them look at the diagram while the whole group taps the set up “Professional.” Ask for changes on the SUE Scale. If you have time, repeat with “more professional” and “beautifully professional.” Task them with working with the diagram further when they get home.

  • Taking Responsibility For The Client's Well Being

Talk briefly about how it starts with marketing to help clients who need us find their way to us; booking the person in, having a venue that is clean and supportive, taking records, de-stressing, the treatment, time keeping so there is time for home treatment exercises and a final round of EFT to sparkle up everyone before they go. There is then the check backs, staying in touch with the client and collecting and publishing case stories. Talk about client confidentiality. From there you can go to the real difference is that a professional EFT practitioner takes responsibility for the client and their experiences from marketing to long term check backs. This is reasonably boring but has to be gone through elegantly and as quickly as possible to keep time for the fun exercises.

  • Controlling The EFTeam - Tapping With The Client

In Silent EFT mode, no set up, no instructions, one partner leads the other by varying the tapping speed, how long they spend on a point, and when and how they breathe. Second partner copies as best they can, then switch. Take quick feedback on that.

  • Tapping On A Client - Energy Healer Mode

Tell students to say, “I am an energy healer and I have healing hands.” Do a round of EFT on “healing hands.” so they can feel what it feels like when energy flows in your hands. Tell them to use the command, “Healing Hands!” in their mind if they want to step into energy healer mode.

  • Tapping Professionally Demo - You need hand wipes for your Group!

Get one person out up front and show how you a) clean your hands, b) step into energy healer mode; c) hold the client's hand, d) tap/float, e) gentle squeeze and let go. Follow the instructions from Exercise Tapping On A Client, Page 95, to the letter in your demo. Tell the demo client to breathe and praise them too.

  • Partner Exercise: Tapping Professionally

  • Feedback: What did you feel?

Focus on the student's experiences on how it felt for client and practitioner. This is an important and foundational 6th sense exercise.


Unit 4: The Professional EFT Practitioner

  1. You understand the main concepts involved in being a professional EFT practitioner.

  2. You understand the concept of taking responsibility for the client's well being.

  3. You can lead a client in an EFT round.

  4. You know how to tap EFT on a client in “energy healer mode.”


This concludes Part 1 of this 3 Part Training.

End the session with a group EFT session designed to have them feel good, energized, positive and looking forward to the rest of the program.



Unit 5 - EFT = Extremely Focused Treatment


  • One Problem = One Event

Briefly go through the idea that problems in the energy system come from an event, and that every problem has its corresponding event in the energy system. Explain the differences between a genesis event and an echo event and the importance of dealing with one event at a time.

  • Partner Exercise: Global To Specific

Partners to work with each other to find one specific echo event to represent “the problem in action” from a global recurring echoing problem that seems to be “the story of my life.”

  • Partner Exercise: Focus On Energy

Partners to discover what was going on in the energy body at the time of the event they discovered in the session before.

  • Feedback on Partners Exercises

  • Energy Body Memories Have A Physical Component

Explain how the energy body stores information that is expressed as feelings and sensations. That we don't distinguish between false memories, real memories or imagination - as long as the client feels it, it's real.

  • The EFT Body Protocol

Using real feelings and simple descriptions of real feelings as the set up and how they evolve as the feedback from one round to the next.

  • Partner Exercise: Secret Therapy

Partners to treat a “secret the person still feels bad about in their body” without talking about anything other than the body sensations. Do two rounds at least to notice how the body sensations evolve. If there's time, let them finish the treatment.



Core Skills Unit 5: EFT = Extremely Focused Treatments

  1. You understand the importance of focusing EFT treatments on specific memories and events.

  2. You understand the concept of energy body memories.

  3. You know how to work with the EFT Body Protocol.

  4. You can conduct Secret Therapy with a client.



Unit 6 - Working With Aspects


  • Introducing The Aspects Model

The energy body can only show different states sequentially (one after the other). There is never a parts conflict. People don't have parts, they have aspects. I is only ever now, the rest are aspects.

  • Group Discussion: How Could This Be Useful In EFT Treatments?

Identification with the past aspect in high trauma situations is called an abreaction and useless to treat the problem. Talking about aspects controls even extreme memories and keeps the EFTeam in charge. You learn more about the aspect when you review the energy body memories from that perspective.

  • EFT Proxy Tapping

Explain proxy tapping briefly.

  • Partner Exercise: Rescuing An Aspect

Find an aspect that was upset (can be close to now, doesn't have to be way back in the past). Tell the story of what happened to the aspect, pay attention to precision, then proxy tap the aspect.

  • Proxy Tapping Other People's Aspects

Explain how you can tap other people's aspects but be specific, i.e. not Peter but Angry Peter, or Specific Peter.

  • Aspects Of Things - Sort By Time

Everything has aspects through time. They can also never be in the same place at the same time. If the client presents a problem that reminds you of a tangled ball of string, sort it through time.

  • Future Aspects

Ask the participants to think of a future aspect who will have to do or experience something stressful. Tap a round of EFT for the aspect and ask them how they feel now.



Core Skills Unit 6: Working With Aspects

  1. You understand the concept of aspects and the “I” of identity.

  2. You understand the concept of proxy tapping EFT for aspects.

  3. You understand the concept of order through time.

  4. You understand how to use the aspects model in future success work.





Unit 7 - Emotions


  • It's Only Energy

Explain emotions and energy briefly

  • EFTer Know Thyself

Take the group through the questions on Page 143. Ask them to tune in to the emotions on each question, then have them all say together, “It's only energy.” Discuss how that felt.

  • Reasons For Not Healing

Go through that section briefly and point out how if we just deal with structural energy work, reasons for not healing evaporate - “of course you need to heal that thing in your chest that's causing you pain! If that was a bullet wound, you would never hesitate for a second!”

  • Partner Exercise: How Do You Feel About That?

Partners to take turns stating a problem, then helping each other elicit “how they feel about that” and formulate a set up that would start the EFT treatment process right.

  • The Sixth Sense

Explain about the sixth sense and the language of the energy body.

  • Top Down: Mindful EFT

Lead the group in a silent EFT session without set up and make them focus on the different sensations they can feel all over their bodies when they do the H&S protocol. Encourage/direct them to really become very sensitive to the many tiny sensations.

  • Emotion Scale

Explain how these subtle sensations turn into what we call emotions and then into psychosomatic pain. Make sure they understand it's only one system.

  • Physical Pain Has Energy Body Reflections

Briefly discuss physical pain, residual pain, chronic pain and phantom pain. Use the EFT body protocol for all of them. If there is time do a demonstration with someone who still suffers from residual pain (after an operation or accident which is physically healed).

  • My Sixth Sense

Lead a group tap for “My Sixth Sense” at the end.



Core Skills Unit 7: Working With Emotions

  1. You understand the connection between emotions and the energy system.

  2. You can guide a client to discover the emotion behind the problem.

  3. You understand what the 6th sense is.

  4. You understand the pain progression.



Unit 8 - Energy Body Events

  • Events

Briefly explain the concept of energy body events and point out that there is not just trauma but also Guiding Stars and other types of events.

  • Top Down: Your Life Flashing Through You

Ask the participants to consider they're in an airplane which is about to crash. What are your life events that flash through you? Ask them to consider how many of them were trauma events and how many were Guiding Stars, respectively.

  • Guiding Stars

Explain how Guiding Stars are essential in the formation of relationships, addictions, compulsions, fetishes and philias and in general all things and people that human beings can “cling on to for dear life.”

  • Group Discussion: Spot The Guiding Star

Have the group call out examples of problems that are not caused by trauma but by Guiding Stars instead.

  • Evolving Events

Explain how any energy body event that echoes is an unfinished event and needs to be evolved so the echoes stop. Explain how that is the same structure for all events, including trauma and Guiding Star.

  • Forensic EFT

Explain how the echo contains the information from the original event precisely and how we can track back from an echo to what must have been there, simply by taking notice of what is happening now. Point out the specificity of the 6th sense memories, feeling in your body if something is right or wrong (the 350 shades of red).

  • Partner Exercise: Forensic EFT

Use a problem now where the genesis event is unknown. Question by comparison the details of the problem until it becomes very clear what must have been there to create this problem. Find a set up for the aspect who had the original event.

  • Hero Energy

Briefly talk about raising Hero Energy in the EFTeam when you save an aspect by evolving them out of the place they were stuck.

  • The Healing Event As An Event

Is what you did with your client amongst the memories that will flash through them as the airplane is about to crash ...?


Unit 8: Energy Body Events

  1. You understand the concept of an energy body event.

  2. You can spot a Guiding Star.

  3. You can guide a client to an event using forensic EFT.

  4. You understand the concept of the Healing Event as an event.



This concludes Part II of III.


Unit 9: Changing The Mind

  • Stress & Negative Beliefs

Everyone thinks stupid stuff when they are stressed! Those are not limiting beliefs, just indications that a person is very stressed. De-stress them first to make sure you are really working with a limiting belief or intrapersonal “truth about the world.”

  • Belief Formation

Explain how events cause metacomments which are the beliefs and which are the most exact set ups we can make in words. Explain trigger, event, metacomment sequence.

  • Pairs Exercise: Belief Formation

Discover the reality of trigger, event, metacomment by analysing a limiting belief which is known. Tap the first round of EFT on the metacomment. Check how emotions and metacomments change after the treatment.

  • Crazy Beliefs & Ill-Defined Words Demonstration

Briefly explain how an ill-defined word can cause “crazy beliefs” and give some examples. Set an exercise or get some people up on the stage who will explain what they mean when they use the word, “change.” The whole group then taps a round of EFT for “change” all together.

  • Pairs Exercise: Install A New Belief

Pick a belief you would like to hold. Tap on it to increase energy flow at which point the belief is the truth.

  • Beliefs Are The Truth Until You Evolve Them





Unit 9: Changing The Mind

  1. You understand the process of belief formation.

  2. You understand how to work with metacomments.

  3. You understand how to work with word formation.

  4. You know how to aid a client in the installation of a new belief.



Unit 10 - Energetic Relationships


  • Entities

Briefly explain the concept of energetic entities and the relationships people have with them.

  • Group Activity: Name That Entity

Group to call out different examples of entities people can have relationships with.

  • Bringing Relationships Into The Now

Explain how when we ask, “How do you feel about this NOW?” you get great set ups.

  • Pairs Exercise: Company Entity Relationship EFT

Work on a bad relationship with a company. Localise the entity in the person's energy field. Ask them how they feel about the entity. Tap to improve energy flow between person now and the entity.

  • Using The Entity In Group Work

Explain how when people come together in groups, the group entity is born. When the group entity is happy and every member has a good relationship with the group entity, the group works the best it can.

  • Group Entity Exercise

Co-create a group entity with the group. Tap to make the entity happy. Really ramp up the energy flow until the group *is* happy!


Core Skills Unit 10: Energetic Relationships

  1. You understand the concept of energetic entities.

  2. You can find an entity in a client's energy field.

  3. You can aid a client in changing their relationship to an entity.

  4. You understand how to work with the group entity.

Unit 11 - Autogenic Realities

  • Meet The Energy Mind

Conscious thought on one side, incomprehensible pure energy data from the energy mind on the other, the autogenic world in the middle where both meet. Stress de-stabilises the autogenic world and causes crazy metaphors and hallucinations of demons as well as nightmares.

  • Top Down Exercise: Memories As Habitats With The Aspect Inside

Remember a happy childhood memory about an aspect who had a wonderful time. Classic Game: establish the time of day etc. and then ask the student what they can hear, see, feel, taste, scent and sense (how it makes them feel inside). Explain how this is to create a stable autogenic habitat. including details about the aspect. Walk around in the habitat and pay attention to the aspect. Stop time as an example how to do this with a client, then move it on again by asking, “And what happens next?”

  • Feedback

Group to call out examples of what they learned which they didn't know or had not remembered before. Ask them how they felt about the aspect, what their energetic relationship to the aspect was.

  • Metaphor & Autogenic Habitats

Explain how a metaphor comes from a complete autogenic habitat and how we can unfold a habitat from a metaphor using the Classic Game with the aspect inside. Please highlight that we don't interpret or analyse the story, we play the story straight.

  • Pairs Exercise: Metaphor Story

Partners to elicit a common saying or metaphor, establish the habitat with the aspect inside, then tap to help the aspect and evolve the story.

  • Global Metaphor Intervention

Explain the merits of using “if your problem was a place, what kind of place would it be?” for problems that have so many aspects, you could be tapping forever. If you have time, add a top down exercise for people to try it out for themselves.





Core Skills For Unit 11: Working In The Autogenic Universe

  1. You understand the concept of the autogenic world being the meeting place for the conscious mind and the energy mind.

  2. You can create a stable autogenic habitat using the Classic Game.

  3. You understand the concept of working with the aspect inside the habitat.

  4. You understand the concept of the global autogenic intervention.



Unit 12 - EFT Master Practitioner

  • Clerical

What you need to do for certification, clerical matters, supervision arrangements. Keep this BRIEF. Refer them to printed materials, don't let this hold up or disrupt your training.

  • The Core Skills Review

You can do this in many different ways depending on your group. Trust your intuition to find a format that makes them happy and reminds them how much they've learned.

  • A Master Practitioner Is ...

Get the group's agreement on these definitions and tell them that to strive to be that best we can with each and every client is what makes a master practitioner, not a piece of paper.

  • Group Exercise: The Client As An Entity

Let the group create a client entity together, then tap their relationship with the client entity until they feel they can love the client entity.

  • It's All About Love

Tell them to try and love their clients in your own words and end with any speech, meditation, activity of your choice. Think fireworks at the end of the party - make it energy rich and wonderful for the participants and for yourself.



Core Skill For Unit 12

  1. Understanding that loving the client as best you can is the greatest gift of all.





MODERN Energy Tapping Replaces Energy EFT

Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,




Modern Energy Tapping Book By Silvia Hartmann

Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness

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Do you love Energy EFT? Do you love ENERGY? Then join the GoE - the world's first organisation for MODERN energists! Get access to the GoE Members group, receive our fabulous magazine The Energist and much more. 

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