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EFT Tapping Script For GuiltAre you suffering from Guilt? There is a good chance that modern Energy EFT can help. Many people have successfully used EFT to treat Guilt but we cannot make a claim of cure. How the EFT treatment is going to affect the symptoms of Guilt is individual and can be surprising. We are using Energy EFT, so we are treating the energy body or the emotional component of Guilt. This can have amazing results but please be aware that we cannot promise to cure Guilt with modern Energy EFT. EFT is not medicine, and it is not psychology. EFT comes from The Third Field in the Mind, Body, Energy triad. For severe physical or psychological conditions, please see the appropriate health care provider as well. With this out of the way, let's get started on this EFT script for Guilt.
A. Releasing Stress Around GuiltHaving to deal with Guilt is extremely stressful. How stressed are you right now? Look at the SUE Scale below and point to a number.
Now, let's tap a round of Energy EFT to start releasing some of this built up stress.
Put your hands on your heart of energy or heart of gold, close your eyes and take three deep breaths in and out. Our EFT tapping set up or opening statement is:
In the heart position, take a deep breath in and say this on the outbreath. Repeat three times. Now we say the same words, "I release all my Guilt stress now!" slowly and mindfully on every point as we tap with a loving touch. Always start with a deep breath in and out, tap mindfully, say the words "I release all my Guilt stress now!" take another deep breath in and out, and then we move on to the next point. We end on the Heart Position and simply take three more deep breaths in and out. Now check with the SUE Scale - what is your number now?
If it is still very low, below -3, we suggest a second round. This time, the set up is, "I release my Guilt, past, present and future." You can repeat this EFT Tapping set up as many times as you need to get to Zero stress. When you feel ready, move on to the next step.
B. I want to overcome this Guilt!Check with the SUE Scale that you are at least at -2 before you begin. Make a note of the number, this is important in the treatment of Guilt with modern Energy EFT. We are working our way up the SUE Scale and the higher we get, the more profound the effects will be on the symptoms of your Guilt. As before, start in the Heart Position and make this statement, "I want to overcome this Guilt!" Allow yourself to be emotionally engaged, to really WANT to overcome the Guilt. You have a lot of power and modern Energy EFT helps to set that free. It is your own internal power, energy flow in your energy body, that will overcome the blockages that have caused your Guilt. Tap all the points, finish with the Heart Position and the three deep breaths, in and out. Now check your number on the SUE Scale.
To really make a huge impact on the Guilt we need to get high. Use another round of EFT Energy Tapping with new set ups, for example: "I want to overcome this Guilt completely, totally, once and for all!" Use your own words to express this desire/emotion. You can change the words you say as you go along if you wish.
C. The Positive Antidotes To GuiltNow we are going to switch to Positive EFT and we ask, "What energy do you need to never have to experience Guilt ever again?" This is the positive energy antidote, and this is very important. Choose from one of the positive energy forms below, or tap your own choice of energy (you know best what YOU need to recover completely from your Guilt!) In the Heart Position, we make the Energy EFT set up or opening statement: As an example, we use LOVE as the positive energy form.
Say that three times with the three deep breaths, in and out, in the Heart Position. When you tap the points, simply say, "More LOVE." Check with the SUE Scale after every round of EFT Tapping. Use more/different positive energies to get you as high as possible on the SUE Scale. Tip: The more you want it, the better it will work!
D. The Test - How Do You Feel About The Guilt Now?Is there any negative emotion remaining you can feel in your body? If no, then you are done and congratulations! If yes, choose what you want to do next. Do you want to go back to B: "I want to completely overcome every last trace of Guilt now!" ? Or would you prefer to go back to C and choose more positive energy forms to overcome every last trace of the Guilt? Keep moving forward towards the +10 on the SUE Scale.
Important notes:Don't stop too soon! Many people are so relieved when their Guilt changes a little bit for the better, they stop too soon and don't completely overcome their Guilt. When you stop too soon, the Guilt will most likely come back and you have to treat it again and again. Stay with it until you get at least +8 but +10 is safest! If you find you can't stay with the script for Guilt and don't make it all the way through to the +10, or other things come up in the course of the treatment, we strongly recommend you find a qualified Energy EFT practitioner who can keep you on track and add their energy to your healing process from Guilt.
Finally, high stress can potentially bring the symptoms of Guilt back. Should this happen, don't be dismayed. People get headaches, and take headache pills for this. They don't expect to never have a headache ever again after a single pill! For some problems, you simply need to repeat the EFT treatments as and when you need to. We particularly advise to use the positive energy as "the pill" that takes care of the Guilt. Brought to you by The Guild of Energists - - Love Energy? Join us!
Important Notice: In 2018, Energy EFT was officially retired and replaced by Modern Energy Tapping, which uses energy tapping without the psychotherapy approach of tapping on negatives or having to delve into trauma. Start with Silvia Hartmann's book, Modern Energy Tapping and find practitioners and training courses at,
Modern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness Do you love Energy EFT? Do you love ENERGY? Then join the GoE - the world's first organisation for MODERN energists! Get access to the GoE Members group, receive our fabulous magazine The Energist and much more. |